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There was question risen some time ago about Gatekeeper of Sajuuk. Please, read Talk:Gatekeeper of Sajuuk. After deeper think I would say that we have:

Not, as it was told in that discussion. What you guys think about it? Any way, it's required to be made some split between keepers: on one guarding Progenitor Dreadnaught and one in Abassid. SkywalkerPL 19:10, 29 May 2007 (UTC)

The Keeper guarding the Progenitor Dreadnought is a ship of the same class as the Abassid Keepers later encountered, but of the same ship class. I think we should have them in one article, but have one general section, and one section each for the two appearances of the Keepers. So,

  • Keeper would include
    • The Keeper of the Foundry, being the one destroyed at the Dreadnought Berth,
    • The Keepers of Abassid, being the twin Keepers destroyed when Bentus goes Nova.


  • Gatekeeper of Sajuuk should be merged with the Progenitor Dreadnought article, because the Dreadnought is the Gatekeeper. (...which makes the Keeper the Gatekeeper's Keeper? *scratch head*)

RiesstiuIV 19:32, 29 May 2007 (UTC)

  • Ok, I've rewrote that article, now it goes only for language check, some minor expands and if none is against I will add it to Featured ship list. SkywalkerPL 10:56, 30 May 2007 (UTC)


  • I shall define the history of Keeper & Gatekeeper a bit more:
  • Keeper - AI Frigates developed by the Progenitors, their purpose is to guard important relics, I noticed that it was up to Movers to protect insignificant relics as well as tending to all others.
    • Keepers of Abassid - these AI Frigates were used by the Progenitor Abbasid faction during their civil war (fanon), they would of originally been used in the proximity of Megaliths & Systems until they vanished.
    • The Keeper of the Foundry - These Keepers were located in Karos, Guarding the Gatekeeper of Sajuuk & the Berth, they were most probably owned by the Progenitor Bethsidea Faction.
    • The Keepers of Bethsidea - (Fanon) Bethsidea is found in the Northern Hemisphere of the Galaxy, in it lies the Mega Shipyard of Mountain, one of the other major ships instead of Sajuuk or the Mothership. Several Keepers, along with Movers are found lurking in it and around it like sharks.


    • Gatekeeper of Sajuuk - this is the Dreadnaught found in the Dreadnaught Berth (Karos Graveyard) , this is also known as the Key to Balcora, with out the key you cannot get to Sajuuk.

12:55, 13 December 2009
