Encyclopedia Hiigara

Khagaan Gaalsien was a female Gaalsien warlord who successfully invaded the Coalition territories.

Khagaan Gaalsien
Character Information
Physical Description


When the Coalition launched their expedition to claim the Jaraci Object, Operation Khadiim, Khagaan announced the Gaalsien's declaration of war, and she apparently commanded the Gaalsien invasion of the north. After the Kapisi found and looted the downed warship Kalash, Khagaan, who commanded an important force led by carrier Ashoka, attacked the Coalition forces. The Kapisi, with the help of Sidiim reinforcements from the Sakala, attacked the Ashoka, and the Gaalsien forces were destroyed. Khagaan was forced to retreat with the Ashoka alone. She moved it south, to a resource area, but harassed by the Sakala, and was forced to abandon it. The Kapisi destroyed her forces that were left behind, and after the Ashoka returned and counterattacked, in the battle of the Belladin Dune Sea, her Carrier was destroyed and she was killed. Right before the Carrier blowns, she took off her mask, allowing her face to be seen, both cursing and congratulating the Coalition's victory.


Not much is known about this character, except they are a prominent figure in Kiith Gaalsien and in the cutscenes throughout the early missions of Deserts of Kharak.

Khagaan Face

Khagaan's face, seen moments prior to her death.
